For Goriziane Group, communication and sharing are the fundamental elements to be a company projected into the future. With over 70 years of history and outsanding wealth of skills to be shared, which is why we decided to create G-Channel, a new social activity to collect and publish all activities which are organized by topics and colors. With G-Channel, users will be able to keep up-to-date with technological solutions and numerous achievements...Continue Reading
One of the main objectives of Goriziane is to provide customer satisfaction therefore as part of Industry 4.0 we keep on exploring and developing better products and services to serve to our customers. We are proud to present our G-ARTS 3.0 powered by Kiber – a wearable, head-mounted device with HD camera and binocular visor that communicates through a powerful web-based platform. An ergonomic and all-in-one solution of augmented reality...Continue Reading
Goriziane has been developing and building several handlings and storing solution for Naval Industry, particularly on different kind of elevators for ammunition, vehicles and cargo. Recently the E&C Division has been successfully completed the commissioning and sea trial assistance of an ammunition elevator integrated on a Navy Support Vessel. The Ammunition Elevator is electro-hydraulic driven, with long stroke and high loading capacity. The elevator is featured with fireproof doors (A30 and...Continue Reading
Where energy transition moves into a Greener world, thanks to offshore wind farm, Goriziane plays a leading role. A special equipment uses for Jacket Structure Construction which is 100% designed and built at Goriziane. The peculiarity of this equipment is the flexibility to use in single, double mode or opposite, synchronized mode to obtain all kind of joints fabrication (K, double K, and X joints). The two main machines are...Continue Reading
We are delighted to announce that Goriziane Group is of the sponsors of the TALENT2020 scholarship for Engineering students at the University Of Trieste. You may visit the website of University of Trieste for more details: The announcement and forms are available at the following link: Reading