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Goriziane Group S.p.A. in response to COVID-19 crisis

Goriziane > Defence > Goriziane Group S.p.A. in response to COVID-19 crisis


In response to the Coronavirus crisis, the Italian government has declared a national emergency situation for the whole Italy, including its islands.

The restrictive measures imposed by the government have a significant impact on the entire production and administrative sector, unfortunately, also on the simplest daily operations.

As already communicated by our CEO, Goriziane Group has already implemented all measures to maximize the limit of contagion situations right from the first moments of emergency, remains operational and ensuring maximum Collaboration/ Intervention, if necessary for 24/7.

“The safety of our employees as well as our collaborators who come to work with us, is our priority.”

Unfortunately, the continuation of this state of calamity could lead to the occurrence of inevitable delays in receiving requests, in processing offers, as well as in issuing invoices and in delivering spare parts or products.
Furthermore, to ensure compliance with transport safety, there may also be some problems on the handling of goods, linked to the availability of cargo space, any restrictions on movement and the difficulty on crossing of borders, on the other hand some borders were already closed from several days.

Goriziane Group will do everything possible to limit any delays or inconveniences.

If the current situation changes significantly, Goriziane Group will immediately update its customers with subsequent communications.

In the hope that this difficult period will end as soon as possible, we remain available for any questions or comments.

Giving continuity to production is essential today in order to be able to restart vigorously after the emergency.